Paris, 03 March 2020 – Due to the circumstances related to the COVID-19 epidemic and in the context of the French government’s decision of 29 February 2020 relating to the public gatherings in France in order to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, Reed Expositions France, organizer of Marketing a Retail Show (MPV) and the POPAI Awards Paris Contest, in agreement with POPAI France Association has announced today that the 2020 edition of the event, previously announced from 24 to 26 March 2020, are postponed to a later date: from 26 to 28 May 2020 – Porte de Versailles in Paris – France.
Michel Filzi, President of Reed Expositions France, said: « the well-being of our clients, partners, and employees has always been our priority».
Cet article Marketing at Retail Show (MPV) 2020 postponed est apparu en premier sur Reed Expositions.