Paris, 03 March 2020
Due to the circumstances related to the COVID-19 epidemic and in the context of the French government’s decision of 29 February 2020 relating to the public gatherings in France in order to contain the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, Reed Expositions France, organiser of Sandwich & Snack Show, Parizza, Japan Food has announced today that the 2020 edition of the event is postponed to a later date, from 7 to 9 June 2020 – Paris Porte de Versailles, in pavilion 7.2.
Michel Filzi, President of Reed Expositions France, said: « the well-being of our clients, partners, and employees will always be our priority. We have therefore decided to postpone the Sandwich & Snack Show, Parizza, Japan Food Show event to a later date, in the context of government measures».
Cet article Parizza 2020 postponed est apparu en premier sur Reed Expositions.